--> An independent lab has discovered that popular skincare products conta – Natural Elements

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An independent lab has discovered that popular skincare products contain carcinogenic chemical Benzene.

An independent lab has discovered that popular skincare products contain carcinogenic chemical Benzene.

An independent lab has discovered that popular skincare products contain carcinogenic chemical Benzene. 

A letter sent to the FDA from independent lab Valisure found levels of the carcinogen benzene were more than 12 times the FDA's limit of 2 parts per million.

Benzene is a known carcinogen that has been associated with cancers like lymphoma and leukemia, according to research from the University of California.

We've been banging this drum for years. Carcinogenic Benzene has no place in skincare and I don't care what anyone says, the only 'safe' level is none at all...

Of course, this is not the only chemical concerns. When we get people in the hundreds contacting us daily with skin issues, when we ask what they are using and are the big brands, its chemicals, which are also used in cars like antifreeze and even bleach-drain cleaner chemicals. That is further compounded with hundreds of other harsh chemicals, surrounded by highly allergenic chemicals like colours and perfumes. 

These chemicals can and will permeate the skin, going into the body and into the blood stream. Just think what they are doing to your inside organs and cells. 

You can read the full article HERE

Natural Elements Skin Care