Do SPFs Protect Skin?

Do they even offer protection and are harmful?

The Organisation of Consumers in Spain have ordered the withdrawal of many big brand sun creams from the market with immediate effect, which are predominantly used on children or people's faces Some affected products include the biggest brands in photos AND WITH SKIN CANCERS HAVING RISEN BY A 1/3, SHOULDN'T WE ALL BE ASKING WHY - GIVEN THAT SO MANY PEOPLE NOW USE SPFs? 

"If sunscreens work...

Why is Western world skin cancer at an all-time high?"

The advice being given is misleading and even wrong?

The question we always ask is, "If sunscreens work, why is skin cancer at an all-time high in the Western world?" especially in countries that use a lot of SPFs, and at low levels in countries that have lots of sun yet hardly use them?"

In addition to the chemicals in SPFs causing significant irritation to sensitive skin types, such as those with rosacea or eczema, Benzene, a carcinogen associated with blood cancers, has been detected in mainstream sunscreen products, as reported multiple times over the past year. 

Basically spf’s are being sold as a must-have and besides that being a total lie, the evidence of the chemicals in spf’s actually being the major cause of skin cancer is growing. The chemicals in them being highly toxic to human cells, and unfortunately, they are not in any way, shape or form, slowing skin cancer rates down.

The sun is the single most important factor in our lives. In fact, any biological life on this plant depends on it. Just in a garden, if you have no sun, it would be totally and utterly dead, so we need it. But you must treat the sun with respect. Being it for too long will burn the top layer of your skin, which is painful because you have pain receptors, but the top layer is dead cells, which will fall off in the next 20–30 days so they cannot mutate into cancer.

So, what is too long in the sun? Well, it's about understanding your own body. Some people tan slowly, so it takes time to produce melanin and takes longer, but it will come through if given time, and when it does, you are less likely to burn.

So, if you plunge into direct sunlight after winter and are in it for too long, you will get a surface burn. What is too long in the sun? Well, you must judge it yourself. If 20 minutes in the sun gives you a redness, then that is enough for that session, it may be 40 minutes or even an hour or longer, and you can of course go in and out of the direct sunlight. The factors are how long it takes for your skin to get red and the level of melanin in the skin after winter.

If you are in the UK, the sun does not just suddenly get strong, so it's the perfect way to develop your melanin (tan). It’s just enough to get the melanin occurring. and you can also go in and out of the sun, which is a good way to build up the melanin.

Once you do tan, things change, i.e., you don't burn as fast. In many cases, people are afraid because they are fair-skinned, so during this transit period, it's important to develop your skin's melanin (tan).

Now one of the important factors is that the shade of any kind of hat, clothing, stops you from getting the burn from UVB, so in and out, putting on a hat will stop the burn.

Never has the word ‘little and often’ been so important in being in the sun because this is the key to getting all the benefits of the sun without the negatives.

Now onto the dark demon. The UVA light is like a radiation gamma ray; this does not cause any burn at all, and is less energetic than UVB, but due to its higher penetration properties, they can pass through a cloudy sky or even glass, clothes and umbrellas. At the skin level, UVA rays can pass through the epidermis even by-passing spf’s to reach the lower dermis, causing reactive oxygen species that lead to lipid peroxidation, protein changes, and the formation of DNA photoproducts, i.e., damage and cell mutations. The biological impact of UVA on human skin has long been underestimated because of their lower energetic properties; thus, much research has been on UVB, but now it is understood that the mechanism of action of UVA relies on chromophores, which absorb UVA photons and can induce oxidative stress in all skin layers and cells from the epidermis to the dermis, i.e., decay (premature ageing and breakdown of collagen) as well as causing new-forming cells to mutate (cancer) and the major cause of pigmentation.

It has been shown that powerful antioxidants are the only protection we have, i.e., even in the shade the UVA is active. Antioxidants are produced by certain plant oils, and this is what we use in the Pre-Sun oils. They are present in all our oils, but the Pre-Sun oils have the most.

[We would like to thank the national library of medicine for their contribution to this article.

THE OTHER MISLEADING ASPECT IS ..ARE MINERAL BASED SPF'S BETTER NO BECAUSE THEY USE CARBON OXIDES LIKE ZINC AND TITANIUM  WHICH HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO ACCELERATE THE DAMAGE TO CELLS.. they say they use non nano versions which is good because they don't go into the body, so no forever chemicals.. but wait a minute the skin is the biggest group of cells in the body what about them? and they stop any form of vitamin D absorbance occuring 

 “....tests show that the ingredients in commercial sunscreens actually increase the risk of skin cancer and induce premature ageing. Sunscreens are expected to offer significant protection from UV-induced skin damage and oxidative stress, however simple tests are detecting ‘high amounts skin cell damaging free radicals’ in sunscreens exposed to UVA"

Sun burn warnings have become so extreme that most of us are starved of vitamin D

According to cancer specialists, vitamin D is one of our most important vitamins, but using a sun screen prevents us from absorbing it. 

It is the most important of vitamins as we age being the major aspect to boosting our immune system to keep us healthy.

Watch Dr Eric Berg explain the astonishing findings about cancer 

"By using sun protection creams (spf's) we block Vitamin D being produced in the skin."

Understanding the different UV light types

UVA light accelerates skin ageing and cancer development by penetrating deeper into the skin, where new cells are forming.

It has a consistent intensity throughout the day and can penetrate through clouds, glass, water, and clothing (even hats and umbrella shades)... and by passes most spf's 

BUT it's harm of causing free radical damage is reduced when it meets certain natural oils ~ see below   

UVB light is the sun's heat ray and can cause surface sunburn on the skin. Its actually very rare in skin cancer cases to have contracted it from UVB damage, as the surface cells are mostly dead or on their way out, so they can't mutate

UVB effects different people because of melanin levels, so building up your tan is highly effective in preventing burns. UVB cannot penetrate through glass, shade, or clothing. 

The primary cause of premature ageing (leathery skin) is UVA.

My sun-loving partner, Karen, and I haven't used spfs in 25 years, but we do use (our pre-sun oils, which are listed below), and many of our thousands of customers don't either, and guess what? They do not develop skin cancer, have adverse reactions, or age and get pigmentation   (age spots) as a result of UV exposure. 

They get a super tan, which they couldn't before, and their vitamin D levels are high. {john and karen have been in the science of natural skincare formulating for 25 years} 

The best way we’ve found to use the Body Oil:

From personal experience, we’ve found that the key to using the pre sun Body oil is to make sure that you don’t let the skin burn in the first few days, so for the first 2-3 days of your holiday or in the early part of spring apply the Body oil regularly onto skin  and only stay in the sun for short spells, Especially if you’re in the sea or the pool, apply the oil after you’ve washed off the chlorine from the pool or the salt from the sea. 

Personally skin will tell you when it’s had enough with a slight tingle to the skin, or redness then know it’s time to head for the shade or to cover up.

Once you’re past the first 2-3 days you will find that the skin starts to take on a healthy glow which you can then build on with regular use of the body oil.

If you’re out and about sightseeing or shopping then applying the NES106 Body Lotion over the top of the pre sun Oil works really well to lock in the oil and leave a matt finish)

If after all of the above, you really can’t bear to be parted from your SPF , put our Oil on first and then apply your SPF product over the top. But seriously if your careful and get plenty of shade and let your melanin come through you will find as thousands of our customers have, you will come away from holidays, or in the garden in summer with great tans, no burn and of course that skin cancer causes UVA neutralised 

 A Green Scientific Paper reported in tests that the main chemicals in spf's-sunblocks actually increase the damage of UVA the main cause of ageing cells and skin cancer...This on top of the article early this year about cancer causing benzene in personal care products

People don’t want all this on there skin which can cause skin problems and even leach into the body.

Free Radicals - Free Radicals trigger peroxidation, which leads to oxidative damage, which in turn leads to cell breakdown, resulting in skin ageing, cell decay and cancers.

Antioxidants - Antioxidants are reducing agents, they reduce and limit the effects of oxidative damage. Our cells are well equipped with antioxidant enzymes and reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging molecules, however their scavenging capacity is not endless and may become saturated with the daily dose of oxidative stress.

where can you find Antioxidants? In Vital Oils (not petroleum oils) they are packed with antioxidants. Scientifically, Peach Oil, Grapeseed Oil & Avocado are considered to have the most ‘powerful antioxidant content’. The theory of directly applying an unadulterated form of antioxidants, which can be absorbed by the skin and will restore antioxidant enzymes was raised in a paper by the Journal of Investigative dermatology in 2003. 

So where can you get these Oils? We have known for years the immense benefits of antioxidants and it’s one of the main reasons why we specialise in making products with vital oils. So it’s no surprise that we have in our range two products (one for the face and one for the body) that will deliver these antioxidants, in a way that experts are highlighting through research, referring to ‘endogenous protection’ which means ‘from within’ when applied directly to your skin. 

Amazing explanation of sun exposure, sunscreen, Vit D, tanning and cancer. 

Andreas Moritz, Medical Intuitive & Author talk about how 'The Sun Doesn't Cause Skin Cancer, But Sunscreen Does!'

Ingredients to Avoid

We believe that the market for sunscreens is one of the most successful cons in the skincare industry - these companies have convinced us not only that everyone need these products every day but also to ignore the more suspect ingredients in these products AND to not question that cases are skin cancers are rising DESPITE the huge increase in the use of sunscreens. The global market is worth over 11 billion - there’s big money in this con.

Ingredients to be suspicious of: 


Oxybenzone is a chemical UV filter that is commonly found in sunscreens. It has been linked to hormone disruption, reproductive and developmental issues, skin irritation, and damage to coral reefs. Several studies have suggested that oxybenzone can mimic estrogen in the body, leading to hormonal imbalances and potential health problems. In one study, researchers found that oxybenzone was present in the urine of nearly every participant, suggesting widespread exposure to this chemical. Furthermore, oxybenzone has been found to damage coral reefs by causing coral bleaching and disrupting the reproductive systems of marine organisms. This has led some areas to ban the use of oxybenzone in sunscreens in an effort to protect marine ecosystems.

Octinoxate is another chemical UV filter that has raised concerns about its safety. Like oxybenzone, octinoxate has been shown to disrupt hormones and may cause allergic reactions and skin irritation. In one study, researchers found that octinoxate was present in the breast milk of nursing mothers, suggesting that this chemical can be absorbed and passed on to infants. Additionally, octinoxate has been found to accumulate in fatty tissues and has been detected in human urine, blood, and breast milk.

"Oxybenzone .. will mess up your hormones over time..."

Retinyl palmitate is a form of vitamin A that is sometimes added to sunscreens for its antioxidant properties. However, there is concern that retinyl palmitate may actually increase the risk of skin damage and cancer when exposed to sunlight. This is because retinyl palmitate can break down in sunlight and produce free radicals that can damage skin cells. In one study, researchers found that mice exposed to a combination of retinyl palmitate and UV radiation had a higher incidence of skin tumors than mice exposed to UV radiation alone. While more research is needed to confirm this finding in humans, some experts advise against the use of sunscreens containing retinyl palmitate.

Homosalate is a chemical UV filter that is often used in combination with other UV filters in sunscreens. Like oxybenzone and octinoxate, homosalate has been shown to disrupt hormones and may cause skin irritation. In one study, researchers found that homosalate can accumulate in breast milk and can be passed on to nursing infants. Additionally, homosalate has been detected in human urine and blood.

Octocrylene is another chemical UV filter that has been linked to potential health risks. It has been found to cause skin allergies and may be a potential endocrine disruptor. Furthermore, like retinyl palmitate, octocrylene can break down in sunlight and produce free radicals that can damage skin cells.

Titanium and zinc dioxides are being promoted as natural; well, they may come from the ground, but they are not plant compounds; they are carbon, i.e., metal-coal. Now they have said they are not absorbed by the body internally, they are however sitting on the biggest group of cells in the body... the skin

1. They stop the complete absorption of vitamin D, the very most important vitamin for health and wellbeing (did you know that every single death or illness from COVID was found to be linked to low vitamin D in the body. The very best form of it that the body can get, is from the sun?) Just 10/15 minutes in the sun is all you need for sunlight on your arms, face, neck, etc. to be increasingly healthy.

2. One of the most important Professors and scientists in the study of health and long life wrote when he was at Cambridge University, ' that such compounds are detrimental to human cells and are the major cause of senescence ageing of cells (diseases-decay)' There is also a report on an official green paper that such compounds, when tested, increased the main cause of cell mutation and damage ‘Free Radicals’

So are sunscreens safe? Well the FDA in the USA is doing a nationwide investigation and many states and other countries have banned them already, combined this with the many universities studies which have also concluded they are not safe, we also can see this from the many reports we have access to.

Because they have big brand names and have been on the market for a long time that means nothing. Look at the decades that Johnson & Johnson baby talcum powder was on the market before it was found to be causing cancer and the courts have awarded over $8 billion in compensation for this to the relatives ... is sunscreen the next cigarettes /baby powder scandal? 

We think so.