--> Nature's Medicine Cabinet – Natural Elements

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Nature's Medicine Cabinet

Nature's Medicine Cabinet

Natural Remedies 

The NHS have announced that they can no longer help with many common conditions. Consider Natural Elements Nature’s medicine cabinet with our alternative remedies – that many say work better anyway!

Cold sores - Try our Detoxing Spot Serum, it's anti bacterial and anti inflammatory 
Conjunctivitis  - All of our  face washes will help this, especially Detoxing Facial Wash 

Sun creams and sun protection - Read why we don't believe in mainstream sun protection HERE 
Dry Eyes /Eye drops -  We find that cleaning the makeup off or eye area with one of our Facial Washes mixed with tiny amount of our Facial Oils often stops dry eyes..  could it be the chemicals in wipes and cleansers causing it in the first place?
Athletes food and fungal issues - Try our Active Rescue Cream 
Dandruff and Itchy scalp conditions  - our Active Rescue Shampoo and Body Wash will banish the flakes.

Mild irritations / dermatitis  -  Ask us for samples and we find out what it is and help! 
Insect bites  using many of our products prevents then coming near us, especially our Active Rescue Body Wash!  
Mild Acne - we have a whole rage of products that are safe and effective HERE
Sunburn - Soothing Body Lotion soothes even the most sensitive of skintypes
Burns - Active Rescue Cream 
Nappy Rash - Active Rescue Cream   

Natural Elements Skin Care