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Skincare for Rosacea Prone Skin
Designed for those prone to rosacea, our calming product line is made with organic dermatological tested ingredients.
Over the years, our series has provided relief to thousands in the UK suffering from Rosacea. The range, developed through scientific research, focuses on calming, soothing, and nurturing the skin with its plant-based formulations.
The Problem with Rosacea
Frequently, it is treated with antibiotics, which never work because it's not a infection, or moisturising creams, which are full of harsh chemicals that irritate the heck out of the skin. This approach is futile; it never works, ever, just as the majority of products on the market aim at it don't work because they are made with or have in them synthetic or petrol chemicals..Using naturals, and we mean 100% naturals, makes the skin healthy, and healthy skin does not have rosacea. Its as simple as that
Sometimes skin becomes extra sensitive due to Multi-Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and the symptoms can mimic the rosacea symptoms...
It has been known for Medical professionals to struggle to distinguish between the two conditions, leading to incorrect diagnoses and inappropriate treatments.
Why is it difficult to distinguish between the two conditions?
Did you know that Rosacea and Extra sensitive skin Allergies from Multi-Chemical Sensitivity look almost the same?
To help with this, our Rosacea prone Skin Kit has sample sized versions of two distinct formulations:
one formulated for those susceptible to rosacea
another for those with Allergies and MCS-induced skin sensitivity.
Two sample types; so you can see which type works best for you.
Our formulations have made a significant difference for thousands of our clients in managing these conditions.
Our products are effective for problematic skin because they have none of the synthetic chemicals found in the vast majority of skincare products, including the medical-grade ones.
Kim - verified buyer
Calming Facial Skincare Kit
Nothing Worked
"I’ve been on antibiotics using so many different creams, but nothing reduced the redness, until I found you."
Katie - verified buyer
Calming Facial Skincare Kit
Great results
"I tried the two sample types you sent me for rosacea prone skin and for sensitive skin, on separate sides of my face and found great results with both.
My skin is much more comfortable and a lot less red.
The soreness is much reduced, as are the spots, even after such a short time.

Here's hoping for a long-term solution.
Thank you"
Suitable for...
Facial Rosacea
Acne Rosacea
Rosacea around nose
Rosacea around eyes:
Given the skin around the eyes is so thin we have special formulation for this very sensitive area. See our Restoration serum for inflamed and sore skin around the eyes
The natural ingredients in our skincare line can be a game-changer, as they support the body's self-healing process without irritating the skin. They also offer a protective barrier against makeup chemicals.
For men, avoiding conventional shaving foams and gels is crucial, as they are laden with synthetic chemicals.
Finally, we're also deeply committed to environmental sustainability, ensuring that all our ingredients are eco-friendly, made in the UK and our packaging is recyclable.