Anti-Ageing Skin Care...
should i BUY into
THE LATEST skincare trends?
For decades skin care users have been duped by the latest trend, creating a yearly cycle of buzz and hype over exciting ingredients that provides instant results. Our desire for overnight beauty results means most of these trendy products focus on Petro-chemicals to quickly burn off skin layers so you feel instantly rewarded.
Some of these ingredients can even alter your molecule structure. Exciting, right? Not when it exposes your skin cells to hormone imbalances, long term dryness, redness, premature ageing or possibly cancer. Safety is becoming a major concern for us and we wanted to shed some light on the misleading aspects of skincare ingredients and how cosmeceutical skin care products cannot have the same long term benefits compared to therapeutic botanical skin care.
Are These Ingredients Safe?
Hyaluronic Acid
No is the short answer! If you’re not using in a humid environment it can actually draw water/hydration out of your skin leaving it dryer and tighter than ever before It can be irritating, many products use a low molecular weight of HA to help it get into the skin, however, this low molecular weight has been shown in studies to be inflammatory for some skins, leading to redness, soreness and irritation. The production process that HA goes through to get to this molecular weight renders it a totally different substance to that which is found naturally in the body.
Vitamin C
We love vitamin C in skincare as part of a natural organically derived formulation; it can brighten the skin and is an antioxidant that protects the skin, BUT most products on the market who use synthetic unnatural potencies so the answer is no: It can cause oxidisation for the skin - yes! The opposite of what you are told it does. Synthetic vitamin C can react very easily with other molecules, including oxygen, when this happens, it can lead to acne, collagen and elastin loss, inflammation and irritation
One word, No. They are not. In short, please don’t use them! They damage the skin, the skin barrier and can alter your molecular biology all for a short term gain with long term dangers Many of the studies showing benefits to retinol are flawed.
The use of silicones in skincare baffles us, the only benefit it brings to any product is ‘slip’ - the way the product feels, it gives a velvety texture which then is transferred to the skin, so the skin can look smoother but there’s no actual skin benefit - yet another example of products being developed by marketing departments. In short, we don’t like them because They have zero therapeutic benefits to the skin.
DID YOU KNOW? Only 42% of natural skin care brands on the market are actually (and often only partly) natural.
In the new study it revealed how the word “natural” is being misused to market non-natural skincare products.
Research conducted by skincare specialists THE DERM REVIEW analysed the ingredient lists of the top 100 best-selling natural skincare products and found that more than half (58%) contained synthetic ingredients, while all the “natural” serums in the study contained at least one synthetic ingredient. Majority of the synthetic ingredients found in the products had links to irritating skin.
If you are new to Natural Elements and would like to try these all-natural, results-driven products, we offer a selection of samples & Dermatology-picked packs.
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Our Top Sellers
Formulating the highest quality skincare in the UK for 25 years...
Natural Elements uses extensive scientific research with leading UK universities to create formulations that are clinically proven to help skin ageing and irritation. We have proven the benefits of using 100% plant oils to work at a molecular level in maximising hydration and nourishment whatever your skin type or concern.
Our organically derived Facial Oils have been tested in labs and shown to contain the highest levels of antioxidant benefits.
But, aren't anti-ageing creams usually better? watch our video demonstration to learn why an oil is superior

Don't Believe The Hype!
Are you being duped by the latest trend or fashionable image? We are all prone to believing the hype over the latest ingredient that has been created by a fancy advertising agency.
Majority of mainstream skin care brands don't mind altering your molecule structure with a concoction of patented synthetic ingredients they have jumbled together, which exposes the biggest group of cells in your skin to hormone imbalances, long term dryness, redness, premature ageing or possibly cancer.
Don't fall for the outlandish behaviours of the beauty industry! Be a trend-setter, not a trend-follower...