Save 20% Ordering Our Kits
Save money and discover our award-winning natural products with our Complete Skincare Routine Kits. Complete Kits include a Facial Oil with a Moisturiser and our Deluxe Kits represent the most savings with a Facial Wash, An Oil, a Moisturiser and an exfoliating Konjac Sponge.
Skin Care chemistry facts

Over 90% of skin ageing is caused by atoms called free radicals. If free radicals overwhelm the body's ability to regulate them oxidative stress occurs, and this causes damage to the cells. As cells breakdown so does collagen production, resulting in loss of fibres and elastin’s. This results visibly on the skin through sagging, lines, wrinkles, and dullness to the skin.
We ask people about their skin concerns and a question and concern that comes up again and again is if and why we recommend using an oil on oily skin.
The problem is, lots of skincare companies create products that are full of synthetic ingredients and mineral and petroleum oils. People use these products in good faith and they make spot prone skin even worse. Of course they do! These unnatural oils sit on the skin, closing pores and sealing in bacteria which creates an ideal breeding ground for more spots and breakouts.
As counterintuitive as it sounds, certain oils can be hugely beneficial to oilier skin types prone to breakouts. Certain oils can actually help regulate sebum production and balance the skin as well as providing anti inflammatory and antimicrobial and antibacterial benefits
Are These Ingredients Safe?
Hyaluronic Acid
No is the short answer! If you’re not using in a humid environment it can actually draw water/hydration out of your skin leaving it dryer and tighter than ever before It can be irritating, many products use a low molecular weight of HA to help it get into the skin, however, this low molecular weight has been shown in studies to be inflammatory for some skins, leading to redness, soreness and irritation. The production process that HA goes through to get to this molecular weight renders it a totally different substance to that which is found naturally in the body.
Vitamin C
We love vitamin C in skincare as part of a natural organically derived formulation; it can brighten the skin and is an antioxidant that protects the skin, BUT most products on the market who use synthetic unnatural potencies so the answer is no: It can cause oxidisation for the skin - yes! The opposite of what you are told it does. Synthetic vitamin C can react very easily with other molecules, including oxygen, when this happens, it can lead to acne, collagen and elastin loss, inflammation and irritation
The use of silicones in skincare baffles us, the only benefit it brings to any product is ‘slip’ - the way the product feels, it gives a velvety texture which then is transferred to the skin, so the skin can look smoother but there’s no actual skin benefit - yet another example of products being developed by marketing departments. In short, we don’t like them because They have zero therapeutic benefits to the skin.
Mainstream Brands Vs Natural Elements

Reversing the damage can be possible by stimulating cells and providing the necessary nutritional components cells need to stay strong and healthy. In typical skin care brands, these components are provided artificially through man-made chemicals or through artificial stimulus to provide ‘instant’ gratification results.
However, extensive research has shown these synthetic stimulus & artificial nutritional benefits have long term negative effects, which include further accelerated ageing such as skin thinning, allergic reactions, environmental damage and even acceleration of cancer cells.

The alternative to stopping free radical damage is through organic plant oils and fruit extracts, which have the necessary nutritional components cells needed for cells to stay strong and healthy. The purer and better quality the plant is turned into an oil the higher concentration of nutritional and vitamin benefits they have.
The best way to intake the necessary components to slow free radical damage is high concentration oils. The oil molecule is better suited to be absorbed through the dermis skin layers and into the blood stream. Whereas a cream or gel is too large and will retain on the surface levels, providing great hydration benefits but little nutritional benefits.
Molecular Geometry In Botanicals
We’ve spent the last 5 years working with UK universities in the longitude of human cells using the benefits found in botanical oils. We are the only natural skin care brand conducting this kind of ‘skincare beyond beauty’ research. We are looking at the long-term benefits of using organic oils vs the skin care industries current standard, which is based on providing instantaneous visible results (such as skin peels and retinols).
The term ‘conscious beauty’ is used quite often as a phrase to empathise a brands belief in concentrating holy on its customers and the environment. Yet, it often just appears on the surface and deep down the core of the brand acts almost soulless, ignoring its customers rather than helping & interacting with them.
Well, you can speak to us. In fact, you can even speak to the owners directly! John and karen are in the office and they don’t mind taking 10 minutes to help you over the phone or by email. You can contact them on 01299 281386 or

Healthy Products For a Healthy Planet
We are passionate about the environment and avoid synthetic ingredients at all costs. From our ethically sourced ingredients to only using a natural preservative! All of our packaging is recycled and recyclable and we have and will never test on animals.
Some of our oils are more expensive than others and this is down to the quality of the botanical oil and the rarity of the oils production. Simply put the better quality of the oil (and the higher concentration of benefits) the more expensive they become.