What is Rosacea, what causes Rosacea and how can you treat it?
Many people suffer from Rosacea and we wanted to take the opportunity to shed some light on this common, frequently misdiagnosed and misunderstood skin condition, separating facts from fiction, sharing the most common questions and answers we get and helping you find ways which can help you treat Rosacea.
John, our co-founder is a dermatologist expert who has two decades of experience helping people treat their rosacea. He has been studying cell decay and skin problems and understands more about the condition than any one else.
What John says: "The first thing that shows itself is that most medical people have not got a clue about Rosacea, or for that matter most skin problems, this can be seen by the way they misdiagnose it, give out antibiotics which have never helped and even worse proved creams which make it often worse."
What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a very common dermatological condition in the UK, it is an inflammation that causes erythema (reddening) on the face. This can be very sore and can be accompanied by flare-ups, flushing, spider veins, soreness, changes in skin texture, red bumps and sensitivity.
There are four different types of Rosacea:
- Erythematotelangiectatic (ETR) - Characterised by redness, flushing and spider veins on the face, this is often sore and sensitive.
- Papulopustular (Acne) Rosacea - the main symptoms are redness, bumps, pimples and acne-like breakouts.
- Phymatous - Characterised by changes in the skin texture, the main symptoms are thickening of the skin, causing a bumpy texture and small nodules.
- Ocular - inflammation which affects parts of the eye and eyelid. Eyes are red, sensitive, sore and can be swollen, sometimes appearing like someone has a stye.
Which specific skincare ingredients can trigger Rosacea?
- Benzoyl Peroxide - Often found in products tailored to acne sufferers, benzoyl peroxide can increase inflammation and oxidative stress for the skin, leaving it more sensitive and prone to flare ups.
- Retinoids - often tretinoin is prescribed as a rosacea treatment to reduce bumps BUT it can be far to irriting for sensitised skin, leading to increased redness, soreness, increased broken capillaries (spider veins) and weakening of the epidermis.
- Alcohol - Mainy mainstream skincare products contain ethanol which is a drying skin irritant that reduces your skin’s natural ability to replenish itself.
- Many mainstream cleansers - Often containing detergents (SLS) and foaming agents, most cleansers are far too harsh and incredibly irritating for rosacea sufferers. For a more gentle alternative, our Facial Wash for rosacea sufferers is SLS and paraben free for a gentle non sensitising cleanse.
- Synthetic Fragrances - always be sure that your skincare contains only natural ingredients as opposed to synthetic fragrances which can irritate your skin and trigger or prolong rosacea flare ups
- Petrochemicals - this impact on the skin’s barrier function which is irritating to skin, this is why we advise using a combination of our vital facial oils and blending creams to help protect and restore the skin's barrier function
- The two main ingredients in sunscreen and sunblock products Zinc and titanium and also strips and attacks the skin’s protective surface leaving it vunerable
Which specific skincare ingredients can help to ease Rosacea?
- Cellulose Gel - an calming ingredient found in our Face Wash for Rosacea, it gently cleanses without drying or irritating and soothes the skin
- Geranium Oil - The oil has to be of the highest such as that found in most of our Skincare for Rosacea range. Geranium is an antioxidant which soothes inflammation, expedites healing of any breakout and is antibacterial
- Avocado Oil - a rich nourishing oil which replaces lost oil and helps the skin repairs itself, found in our Facial Oil for Rosacea
- Peach Oil - We use peach oil to strengthen weakened skin and soothe irritation
What Triggers Rosacea Flare-Ups?
Individuals have their own triggers that can exacerbate rosacea, Rosacea triggers we’ve spoken to clients about include factors that increase surface blood flow such as alcohol, hot drinks, spicy foods, medication, hot food and drinks and temperature extremes. Pollution is a frequent trigger and stress and worry are also often mentioned as triggers by our clients. Most frequently though, we see synthetic chemical skincare, especially physical and chemical SPF creams as a frequent trigger for flare-ups, sensitising the skin and causing irritation, redness and soreness.
Natural Elements Skin Care

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